Thinking Tree Psychology

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Young Adults Navigating Life After Covid-19

You're going through quite a lot right now. So many aspects of your life look different than they were "supposed to." School turned into a weird online mess. Seeing friends became a thing of the past. On top of that, things at work may have changed too. We know that many people experienced layoffs or big changes. Also, there's a real possibility that you weren't able to see people that were close to you. Family, friends, and loved ones likely had to be away from you when you needed them the most. Maybe things have felt scary for a while.

But, there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Things are getting better, right? Yes, in a way. There are reasons to be hopeful. There is progress being made in the right direction. However, this hope and progress doesn't fix everything. We know that many young adults like you are struggling with their mental health. These challenges looks different for everyone. With that in mind, our therapists have seen some common themes in therapy for young adults. These concerns can include a variety of different experiences.

You may be having an increase in anxiety symptoms

For some young adults, these challenging times have brought on a first experience of anxiety symptoms. For others, the anxiety song and dance is all too familiar. Regardless of where your symptoms lie, there is some overlap in these experiences of anxiety. These symptoms includes:

  • Racing thoughts. No matter what you do, you can't control your anxious thoughts. They turn on but rarely turn off.

  • Sleep disturbances. It might not be every night. However, sleep problems happens enough to be an issue. You feel like no matter what you do, you just can't chill out.

  • Feeling of inescapable doom. We know that sounds a little dramatic. But, it's true! No matter what you do, you feel like something bad is just on the horizon. Something is always coming for you. And no matter what, you can't stop it.

You may be noticing an increase in depression symptoms

Navigating depression can feel like you're climbing a mountain in flip-flops. Too often, it feels like you're carrying around a backpack with extra weight. On top of that, many young adults like you feel despair as they battle through this heaviness. Of course, depression will look different for everyone. Common themes of depression symptoms include:

  • Feeling persistently sad. You feel sad even when you don't think you have anything to be sad about. The sadness is always looming in the background. Sure, there are times that you laugh and enjoy yourself. But, the sadness is almost always there.

  • Not feeling interested. In lots of different ways. You could lack interest in things you previously enjoyed, like hobbies, work, relationships, and more. You do your best to play the part and go through the motions. But, that's all you're doing.

  • Change in appetite. This change can happen in one of two ways. You could be feeling hungry all the time. Even after you eat, you feel like you want to eat more. Having an increase in appetite isn't always a bad thing. But, you've noticed a stark difference from before you started feeling depressed. Alternatively, you could be having a significantly lower appetite. Often to the point that eating doesn't sound very appealing.

If these experiences sound familiar, it might be time to consider Therapy for Young Adults in Severna Park, MD

Since COVID began, nothing has been ordinary. Most of your experiences are not typical. And, after a while, this change has had an impact on you. Our therapists can provide a safe place to talk about this change and get help dealing with the stress of it all. If you're experiencing any of the symptoms above, you could benefit from therapy for young adults in Severna Park, MD. Therapy for young adults gives you a space to work through the experiences you're having. Whether it's symptoms of anxiety or depression, our therapist are here to help.

Begin Therapy for Young Adults in Severna Park, MD

Our therapists know that some days are much harder than others. You're doing the best you can. And, sometimes, you may need some help. Our caring therapists are here to provide you the support you need to get through the tough days from our Severna Park-based therapy practice. To start your therapy journey, follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact Thinking Tree Psychology

  2. Meet with one of our caring clinicians

  3. Start receiving the support you deserve

Other Services Offered at Thinking Tree Psychology

Therapy for young adults isn’t the only service we offer at Thinking Tree Psychology in Severna Park, MD. Other mental health services provided include family therapy, anxiety treatment, therapy for chronic illness, and pain management. Feel free to learn more by visiting our therapy overview page, or our FAQ page.